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About me

Dear visitor,

DSC 2825I'm a translator of many things, but at the moment mainly children's books, Middle Grade and Young Adult fiction, which I absolutely love. I'm a mother of two and as of 2012 I work from home under the Creative Difference banner. Previously, I've worked at a publisher's in Leiden, where I've had many editing and writing jobs for various trade magazines. Samples and covers can be found on this website, just follow the navigation frame on the left and look under 'Articles' and 'Magazines'. 

This website is my proud showcase of all that I have translated and written so far. The site will blend Dutch and English pages, because I hope some pages will draw the attention of readers outside my own country, which is of course, The Netherlands. Those pages include the ones featuring my Publications and my own stories (see Figments of My Imagination).

My portfolio (translations of books and non-books, articles and editing experience) will be featured in Dutch, as my potential clients are Dutch companies. The rest of my website contains articles about Writing, Translating and Books, including Author Interviews and my own experiences in writing, as well as links to my blogs (yes, plural: two book review blogs, two general blogs, both in English and Dutch with different content each, and one old and one new mommy blog).

I hope you enjoy my site and should you wish to contact me about translations, writing, books, reviews, please use one of the buttons in the top bar to connect with me through Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, GoodReads or just plain old e-mail.


In Translation


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